Submissions to The Core Review and The Juice Blog are always free, although we encourage you to support us by purchasing our titles, buying our merchandise, or making a financial contribution. Submissions to The Slice Contest are $20. Contributions do not impact publication decisions.

We accept simultaneous submissions. If your piece is accepted elsewhere, please let us know as soon as possible.

The Core Review and The Juice Blog requests first serial rights, and all rights revert back to the author upon publication. Authors retain copyright to their work published in The Core Review and The Juice Blog. If the work is later republished, we request that you note its initial publication in The Core Review or The Juice Blog. We also request the right, with author permission, to use your work for promotional purposes. We ask that authors who are accepted with us wait 2 years before submitting work again.

The Juice Blog accepts a variety of craft-oriented writing, including but not limited to craft essays, literacy narratives, book reviews, interviews, scholarly essays on literature, and other explorations of the writing process. If appropriate, you may include externals links, images, or video clips which compliment the writing, however usage of them in the final blog post is not guaranteed. 

Do not submit poetry, creative nonfiction (i.e. memoir or essays not related to writing) or fiction, as it will not be considered for publication.

Blog post submissions should be no more than 2,000 words, double-spaced, and in a 12-point font. Please include a title at the top of your submission and page numbers on each page. Please submit your work as a .doc or .docx file.

We accept simultaneous submissions. If your piece is accepted elsewhere, please let us know as soon as possible.

The Juice Blog  requests first serial rights, and all rights revert back to the author upon publication. Authors retain copyright to their work published in The Juice Blog.  If the work is later republished, we request that you note its initial publication in The Juice Blog. We also request the right, with author permission, to use your work for promotional purposes. We ask that authors who are accepted with us wait 2 years before submitting work again.

Submissions open July 1 -- September 30; January 1 - March 31

Always free to submit.

Poetry submissions should be no more than 10 total pages of poetry, in a 12-point font. Please include a title at the top of each poem, which should begin on a new page.

Prose submissions should be up to 6,000 words, double-spaced, in a 12-point font. The Core Review accepts a variety of prose, including but not limited to fiction, creative non-fiction, flash fiction, and hybridized prose.

Visual Narrative submissions are recommended to be a maximum of 10-12 pages. Our definition for visual narrative is intentionally broad to allow for a range of experimentation, media, and genre-blurring in the work. Published pieces will appear in color online and in black and white in print.

Submissions open July 1 -- September 30; January 1 - March 31

Always free to submit.

Poetry submissions should be no more than 10 total pages of poetry, in a 12-point font. Please include a title at the top of each poem, which should begin on a new page.

Prose submissions should be up to 6,000 words, double-spaced, in a 12-point font. The Core Review accepts a variety of prose, including but not limited to fiction, creative non-fiction, flash fiction, and hybridized prose.

Visual Narrative submissions are recommended to be a maximum of 10-12 pages. Our definition for visual narrative is intentionally broad to allow for a range of experimentation, media, and genre-blurring in the work. Published pieces will appear in color online and in black and white in print.

Submissions open July 1 -- September 30; January 1 - March 31

Always free to submit.

Poetry submissions should be no more than 10 total pages of poetry, in a 12-point font. Please include a title at the top of each poem, which should begin on a new page.

Prose submissions should be up to 6,000 words, double-spaced, in a 12-point font. The Core Review accepts a variety of prose, including but not limited to fiction, creative non-fiction, flash fiction, and hybridized prose.

Visual Narrative submissions are recommended to be a maximum of 10-12 pages. Our definition for visual narrative is intentionally broad to allow for a range of experimentation, media, and genre-blurring in the work. Published pieces will appear in color online and in black and white in print.

Fork Apple Press